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dog agility

Le-Ann Elgie, M.A., CPDT-KA, CMT, is the owner, director and manager at Elgie Consultation. Le-Ann provides all  consultation services. 

Le-Ann is a certified OneMind Dogs Instructor. She is also a Certified Pet Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA,) by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers and a Certified Canine Massage Therapist (CMT.)


Le-Ann has extensive experience as an agility instructor, an agility competitor and a dog trainer in multiple capacities. 

An Ivy League graduate (Brown University,) Le-Ann’s background also includes over twenty years in education and behavior analysis.



photo credit Michele McCormick Photography

Want to learn more about OneMind Dogs? Watch the video below!

dog agility, dog sports, dog training, online canine consultation
Northern California

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